Saturday, March 22, 2014

No Shortage of News, Just Time

No new blog right now. I've been considering writing one about the movie "Frozen" and how the movie was marred with a bizarre feminist slant. I'm undecided whether this impacted the movie negatively though. I was entertained by the movie, but considering the original fairy tale it is based on there were a number of noticeable feminist changes in the adaptation. Which did make it somewhat interesting and unpredictable.

Given this blog's slant for writing from the misogynists' point of view though, perhaps I'll play devil's advocate with myself on the topic.

There's another blog I was considering writing about which would respond to a few of the 'Rape Culture 101' blogs going around... But as those are a responsible to misogyny in general it does seem odd to respond to a response. No asked my opinion either nor do I speak for a platform.

I'm the opposite of the Duke University porn star.

Belle Knox, there's another blog to consider writing.

But life is busy and I do depress myself thinking about these topics. Who knows if I'll get around to writing any of these.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Serial or sex murder, like fetishism, is a perversion of male intelligence. It is a criminal abstraction, masculine in its deranged egotism and orderliness. It is the asocial equivalent of philosophy, mathematics, and music. There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper. - from "Sexual Personae" by Camille Paglia.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Thought of the Day: Down's

"Will the new DNA test for Down Syndrome lead to more abortions?"

I hope so. I've had experience working with people with Down's and it is Hellish. There is no worthwhile future for anyone with it. The best - the BEST - they amount to is living a life similar to an average person without Down's. Sadly, life is not really worth living already, much less one that will be substandard.

As for people who work with Down's, they are a very strong breed. I cannot do it. It's torturous keeping them alive and spending your life trying to get them to not hurt others or themselves.

I am pro-choice and frankly with technology at our disposal to avoid increasing the Down's population, I would rather people take it. Religion be damned, no God would blight so many with that condition. It is a noble, merciful abortion if your child would be born with Down's. Be smart about it. They will not be, which is the very hard truth.