Friday, June 6, 2014

Abigail Hobbs

Completely unrelated to misogyny this week, I wanted to note for the web a porn similarity.

On the NBC show "Hannibal" is character named Abigail Hobbs played by Kacey Rohl. A cute nubile brunette with blue eyes.

I was struck this week by her porn equivalent Katy R on JoyMii. She is also known as Foxy Di. Or even Nensi B Medina.

She does however have green eyes instead of blue...

Like any porn doppleganger, it's not perfect, but Abigail is about 18 years old. Foxy Di here is around 19 years old. Seeing her in motion is very similar to Kacey. So any guys out there fantasizing about this character like her father did on that show, well, here's a living girl that should fill your same fetishes.

Be sure to check out her Instagram account too. I always find these porn actress's personal social media pages fascinating. They are very much like the people who meet by chance. They blend right in. Although, we all know that porn actresses are just like the rest of us. Porn is just another career, same as an actor or a teacher.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Yes, All Women

The internet has melted with the #YesAllWomen movement… A noble intention, although a bit misguided.

Women are using the hashtag to talk about their own experiences with sexual harassment or rape. They offer no substantial details however. One post I saw mentioned a fourteen year old getting molested on a bus and that the school did nothing… Without details, I feel this is being offered up as a Victorian witchhunt. How many women are adding their throwaway tweets just to be a part of something?

Ah, but Baron, that’s playing right into ‘Rape Culture’. The societal acceptance that women are often to blame for these issues. ‘Rape Culture’ has turned into its own beast where logical questions we should be asking cannot be, because to do so is playing into the problem and comes off misogynistic. As this is a misogynistic blog, I am able to mention that paradox here.

I find it shameful for the men and women adding to the “Yes, All Women” movement without any substance to their posts. It does not help the cause when the issue is: Women have been too silent for too long! To only blurt something out and then not follow up on any of it. How many rapes go unreported a year again? Same sort of issue. “I’ve been raped, but I will bear the pain of it myself and not report it except to select people!” … Wait, come again? That’s why this hashtag happened in the first place. By merely tweeting vague reports you are still staying silent!

But, let’s also look at another unsaid fact: Elliot Rodger did not rape anyone. Why women have turned this into a rape issue, I’m not sure. But there are a select number of women that are championing the cause to raise awareness that men think they are entitled to women.

That’s where the other misguidedness comes into play.

Rodger was a psycho. He blamed women for his social issues which in turn resulted in his inability to have a girlfriend. It’s hard to read his manifesto and not see that he’s the type of human being I doubt many people wanted to be around man or woman.

From the misogynist point of view, men of our mindset do not all think that we are entitled to women to have our way with. There’s no thrill in being given something, a woman to be a couple with. What misogynists want are to DOMINATE and ENSLAVE women. We do not think we are entitled to women simply because we are men - but because we’re strong enough to capture, break, and subjugate them.

This is the issue and feminist movements can pretend that the problem is something simple as men being ignorantly complacent in their depowering of women rights… But the truth is much darker. Men do not believe that women should naturally swoon us, there is both a winning them over consensually with our strength and sex appeal - and also the work of breaking and taming a woman like a wild mare. It’s that hunt that I’m willing to believe true misogynists get off on. Women should not be our sex slaves because they are women - that’s absurd. Women should be forced into sexual slavery because they were captured and broken.

The “Yes, All Women” movement then doesn’t do a whole lot to combat that mindset. It merely annoys the guilty men. They continue to see how they are more dominating. They are not complaining, they are enforcing their desires.

There’s of course a lesser tier of misogynists. There are simpleton college campus rapists. These lame men are not a major problem. Honestly, enforcement of college rape will better clean that up. Rodger was below even that tier. He was a horrible person, so could not attract a woman’s company. He became enraged by that and that rage swirled and swirled until it broke out into violence. He is still a small, small segment of the misogynist community… Sadly, all this scandal has done is fool people into thinking he’s part of a larger group. No, he’s an outcast even to the greater whole. Combating the weakest member of a pride is not going to strengthen your flock.

There’s one last truth that the “Yes, All Women” movement is overlooking… It isn’t all women over half of the the posts I’ve read even refer to. Again, it is cheapening a movement and giving men like me ammunition to use against the whole ordeal. If you are going to participate don’t just blurt something out, back it up. Don’t say your personal problem is a problem for every woman, because it probably is not. Even this post, misogynists do not want to enslave all women. That’s horribly ignorant. Most women aren’t blips on men’s radar. I don’t remember every woman I encounter on a daily basis, nor do I the men. I don’t sneak a peak at a woman’s bust size and remember it even five minutes later. If a woman wants to look at my penis pressed against my pants, go ahead of course. I am not foolhardy enough to think that admiring my body is objectifying me nor that a woman is going to get herself off on me later in the day.

Speaking as a man and not a misogynist, I only subjugate my woman in the bedroom. I’m not going out and kidnapping women to sell into sexual slavery, although we’ve role played that many times. Aside from this blog, I’m not posting my opinion anywhere else on the internet, I do not talk about it at work. As a man, misogyny is a kinky fetish, but I’m hardly championing it for actual civil rights. But I do think the YesAllWomen movement is flawed and it’s being handled extremely uneffectively. I cannot say this outside this blog because that would be immediately disregarded as misogyny. That is bothersome as it isn’t my misogyny fetish that is pointing out the logical fallacies. That’s common sense. It is my misogyny fetish that points out that men do not think we’re entitled to women; it’s that we want to conquer them in a feat of wills, strength, or whichever. If that makes them trophies to be won, I firmly believe that cheapens how people think we view women. Disassembling a woman into a trophy is not a turn on. We want them three dimensional, strong, and emotional. There is more appeal in breaking a fully rounded human being than winning over a feather headed skinny model.

Boo-hoo for the misogynists though, right?

Saturday, March 22, 2014

No Shortage of News, Just Time

No new blog right now. I've been considering writing one about the movie "Frozen" and how the movie was marred with a bizarre feminist slant. I'm undecided whether this impacted the movie negatively though. I was entertained by the movie, but considering the original fairy tale it is based on there were a number of noticeable feminist changes in the adaptation. Which did make it somewhat interesting and unpredictable.

Given this blog's slant for writing from the misogynists' point of view though, perhaps I'll play devil's advocate with myself on the topic.

There's another blog I was considering writing about which would respond to a few of the 'Rape Culture 101' blogs going around... But as those are a responsible to misogyny in general it does seem odd to respond to a response. No asked my opinion either nor do I speak for a platform.

I'm the opposite of the Duke University porn star.

Belle Knox, there's another blog to consider writing.

But life is busy and I do depress myself thinking about these topics. Who knows if I'll get around to writing any of these.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Serial or sex murder, like fetishism, is a perversion of male intelligence. It is a criminal abstraction, masculine in its deranged egotism and orderliness. It is the asocial equivalent of philosophy, mathematics, and music. There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper. - from "Sexual Personae" by Camille Paglia.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Thought of the Day: Down's

"Will the new DNA test for Down Syndrome lead to more abortions?"

I hope so. I've had experience working with people with Down's and it is Hellish. There is no worthwhile future for anyone with it. The best - the BEST - they amount to is living a life similar to an average person without Down's. Sadly, life is not really worth living already, much less one that will be substandard.

As for people who work with Down's, they are a very strong breed. I cannot do it. It's torturous keeping them alive and spending your life trying to get them to not hurt others or themselves.

I am pro-choice and frankly with technology at our disposal to avoid increasing the Down's population, I would rather people take it. Religion be damned, no God would blight so many with that condition. It is a noble, merciful abortion if your child would be born with Down's. Be smart about it. They will not be, which is the very hard truth.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Myth of Feminism

This image embodies why men do not naturally respond to Feminism. The truth is men are by nature creatures that fight for dominance, protect violently the things they have, and act viciously against any thing they perceive as a threat.

Enter this view of Feminism.

Men do not believe Feminism is about equality, which is how women define it. They perceive it as a way of making men suffer, about getting the upper hand, and at worst: payback for eons of abuse.

This is the natural male reaction to Feminism - and if this were a blog discussing more philosophical aspects of Feminism and misogyny, I'm sure I'd be writing a post about how men can and have trained themselves to respond to Feminism positively.

But, this is my blog. One where we revel in darkness. Personally, I look at that image and think we do need more extreme women like her. Women that love the taste of "male tears". It's one of highest acts of empowerment and domination.

While I have never been turned on by erotic roleplay where my woman dominates me and I play submissive, I am yet turned on by women in power. Specifically she-wulf women; the ultimate women with power. They hate, they kill, they are absolutely vicious. For some reason that turns me on. Women acting cruel is attractive.

Just as I find aspects of misogyny to be erotically gratifying, I also seem to find misandry sexually gratifying as well.

So, this cruel woman enjoying the taste of male tears... I am becoming erect imagining you enjoying your sips. That smile crossing your face as your tongue savors the salty taste. You imagining the sounds of those men weeping, their pain collected. You feel that warm sensation burning within you as you get lost in the thought... While you enjoy your favorite drink... I also think of the day that I slip some of my semen into your cup just before you drink it. The salty tastes mixing together... And you never know that part of me has entered you...